Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Policy briefing series Ameen JAN Peacekeeping Peacebuilding in Somalia 1996
Policy briefs on market volatility, vulnerability and food ... ... (Security -food box) 2009
Policy dialogue on regional cooperation for sustainable development in South Asia (Seminar box) BIISS South Asia - Regionalism Regional cooperation for sustainable development in South Asia 2019
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening transport ... ... June 26-27-2013. Hotel Sonargaon , ESCAP & biiss vol 1 (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening transport connectivity ... ... June 26-27, 2013 by ESCAP & biiss, Hotel Sonargaon (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit Box) Mashiur RAHMAN Transit - Transport connectivity Key note paper on Connectivity, economic welfare and foreign policy paradigm 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Nagesh KUMAR Transit - Transport connectivity Potential and prospects of strengthening transport connectivity in South and South-west Asia. 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) M RAHMATULLAH Transit - Transport connectivity Prospects of strengthening transport connectivity in SSWA region. 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) K. L THAPA Transit - Transport connectivity Potential and prospects of transport connectivity in South and South-West Asia 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) LI YUWEI CHIEF Transit - Transport connectivity Master plan on transport connectivity in South and South-West Asia 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Chandan Kumar DEYShisir Kanti ROUTH Transit - Transport connectivity Bangladesh Country paper 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Esmaeil TEKYEHSADAT Transit - Transport connectivity Policy dialogue on strengthening transport connectivity 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) JICA Transit - Transport connectivity Data collection survey on cross-border transport infrastructure development in South Asian region 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Sandeep Raj JAIN Transit - Transport connectivity ESCAP regional strategic framework for facilitation of international road transport 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Mahfuz KABIRShaheen AFROZE Transit - Transport connectivity Realising the potential of Bangladesh's location through connectivity 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Heini SUOMINEN Transit - Transport connectivity ESCAP efficient cross-border transport models 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Fedor KOMILITSYN Transit - Transport connectivity Model on integrated controls at border crossings 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) Fedor KOMILITSYN Transit - Transport connectivity UNESCAP time/cost- distance methodology : a tool to identify barriers and monitor performance 2013
Policy Dialogue on Strengthening Transport Connectivity among the South And South-West Asoan Countries. June 26-27-2013, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka by ESCAP & biiss (See Seminar box 2013 / Transit box) R. B. RAUNIAR Transit - Transport connectivity Business perspective on challenges to transport connectivity in South and South West Asia 2013
Policy Papers in International Affairs [Japan box] Ira C. MAGAZINER ,Thomas M. HOUT, Japan Japanese industrial policy 1980
Policy papers in international affairs [NATO box] Earl C. RAVENAL NATO NATO's unremarked demise 1979
Policy perspectives Vol.9, no1 2012 (SAARC box ) 2012
Policy perspectives Vol.9, no1 2012 (SAARC box ) Khalid RAHMAN SAARC Regional cooperation, global changes, SAARC and China 2012
Policy perspectives Vol.9, no1 2012 (SAARC box ) Ahmed SALEEM Regional cooperation Towards expandedregional cooperation 2012
Policy perspectives Vol.9, no1 2012 (SAARC box ) Mahendra P LAMA Regional cooperation Regional cooperation and conflict resolution 2012
Policy perspectives Vol.9, no1 2012 (SAARC box ) LILI Security - Non-traditional Promoting cooperation on nontraditional security issues 2012