Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Regional security and anti-tactical ballistic missiles: political and technical issues; special report 1986 William A. DAVIS Security - Regional 1986
Regional Seminar on Comprehensive Security in South Asia : Economic dimensions [BIISS Seminar box] A.K.M Atiqur RAHMAN Security - Economic Trade and economic security: the case of Bangladesh 2003
Regional Seminar on Comprehensive Security in South Asia : Economic dimensions [BIISS Seminar box] Mr. Cattamanchi Ram Monohar REDDY Security - Economic Economic security in India : twin pressures of uneven growth and military escalation 2003
Regional Seminar on Comprehensive Security in South Asia : Economic dimensions [BIISS Seminar box] Mr. Prabhu GHATE Security - Economic The relative importance of economic factors as causes and consequences of internal insecurity : the case of north-east India 2003
Regional Seminar on Comprehensive Security in South Asia : Economic dimensions [BIISS Seminar box] Dr. Atiur RAHMAN Security - Economic Globalization and economic security human dimensions 2003
Regional Seminar on India"s Foreign Policy in the Nineties 0
Regional seminar on peace and security in South Asia : issues and priorities for regional cooperation on small arms and light weapons control 2009
Regional Seminar on Security of South Asia and future of SAARC [ BIISS Seminar box] A.K.M Abdus SABUR South Asia Persistence of confrontation and conflict in south Asia : underlying resasons , dynamics and consequences 2003
Regional Seminar on Security of South Asia and future of SAARC [ BIISS Seminar box] LT. Gen [ Retd ] V .K SING South Asia Enhancing in South Asia through confidence-building and cooperation in the context of SAARC 2003
Regional Seminar on Security of South Asia and future of SAARC [ BIISS Seminar box] Abul AHSAN SAARC Nature and magnitude of challenges to SAArc 2003
Regional Seminar on South Asia's Security in the 1990's: primary of International Dimension Akhtar MAJEED Security - South Asia Internal security the third world perspectives 1992
Regional Studies Dr Zafar Iqbal CHEEMA South Asia Nuclear diplomacy in South Asia during the 1980s 0
Regional Symposium on Water Resources Policy in Agro-Socio-Economic Development 0
Regional workshop on Globalization and security in south Asia Fasahat SYED Globalisation Dynamics of globalization and security concerns in the South Asian region 0
Regional Workshop on Globalization and Security in South Asia (BIISS Seminar box) H. Fasahat SYED South Asia Dynamics of globalization and security concerns in the South Asian region 1999
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in SouthWest Asia 1999
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in Southwest Asia Rohan GUNARATNA Light weapons Illicit transfer of conventional weapons :the role of state and non-state actors in south Asia 1997
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in Southwest Asia Shahedul Anam KHAN Small arms - Drugs Linkages between illicit arms traffic and drug trade in South Asia 1997
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in Southwest Asia Pyotr G LITAVRIN Small arms - Light weapons Sources of small arms and light weapons procurement in south west Asia 1997
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in Southwest Asia Jasjit SINGH Light weapons Controlling light weapons : practical measures for sub-regional co-operation 1997
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in Southwest Asia Naik A NIAZI Small arms - Light weapons Wider repercussions of the outflow of small arms and light weapons from south west Asia 1997
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in Southwest Asia Tara KARTHA Light weapons Light weapos and Narcotics : the linkages in south west ASia 1997
Regional Workshop on Small Arms in Southwest Asia Shahedul Anam KHAN Drug & small arms Linkages between illicit arms traffic and drug trade in south ASia 1997
Regional workshop [Terrorism box] 2012
RegionalSeminar on peace and security in South Asia : issues and priorities for regional cooperation on small arms and light weapons control. November 08-09-2009 ( Seminar box 2009 or Small arms box) Neila HUSSAIN Small arms Nature of the problem in South Asia : challenges for the region and measures to address 2009