Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Ijaz HOSSAIN Bangladesh - Energy Energy and technology 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Ijaz HOSSAIN BIMSTEC Energy and technology 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) A K Enamul HAQUE BIMSTEC Agriculture and Fisheries 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) A K Enamul HAQUE Agriculture and Fisheriws Agriculture and Fisheries 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Ainun NISHAT BIMSTEC Environment, disaster management and climate change 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Ainun NISHAT Environment - Climate change Environment, disaster management and climate change 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Sayed Abdul HAMIDSuzana KARIM Public health Public health 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Sayed Abdul HAMIDSuzana KARIM BIMSTEC Public health 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Shahab Enam KHAN BIMSTEC Cultural cooperation and people to people contact 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) M Ashique RAHMAN BIMSTEC Counter terrorism and transnational crime 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) M Ashique RAHMAN Counter-terrorism Counter terrorism and transnational crime 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and BIMSTEC : Way Forward. Organised by BIISS. January 13 -2015. (See Seminar box 2015 / BIMSTEC/BCIM box) Abdul Motalib SARKER BIMSTEC Other emerging organisations, challenges and way forward 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh and India : A Promising Future (Seminar box)) BIISS International relations - Bangladesh-India Bangladesh and India : A Promising Future 2020
Seminar on Bangladesh and SAARC ; Issues, Perspectives and Outlook A.K.H MORSHED South Asia Implications of Dal-Bhat for regional security in South Asia 1992
Seminar on Bangladesh and the Emerging Plurilateral Trading arrangements. September 16-2015. (SeeSeminar box / Bangladesh Economy box) 2015
Seminar on Bangladesh Delta plan 2100 .November 09 , 2017 . Org by biiss. (See Seminar box 2017 / Water box ) Shamsul ALAM Water Bangladesh Delta plan (BDP) 2100 (Final Draft) : salient features. 2017
Seminar on Bangladesh war of liberation : Aspirations, Achievements and an outlook for the future. to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the victory day of Bangladesh ,December 23,2009 2009
Seminar on Bangladesh war of liberation : Aspirations, Achievements and an outlook for the future. to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the victory day of Bangladesh ,December 23,2009 2009
Seminar on Bangladesh's graduation from LDCs : opportunities , challenges and imperatives. by H E Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, MP. March 21, 2018. Organised by biiss & MOFA. (See Seminar box 2018 / MDG box) 2018
Seminar on Bangladesh's graduation from LDCs : opportunities , challenges and imperatives. by H E Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, MP. March 21, 2018. Organised by biiss & MOFA. (See Seminar box 2018 / MDG box) 2018
Seminar on Bangladesh's relations with Latin American Countries : Unlocking potentials. March 06 , 2016 Organised by biiss. (See Seminar box 2016 / Bangladesh Foreign Policy box ) 2016
Seminar on Bangladesh- China Relations in the Context of South Asia [Seminar box] Abul Kalam AZAD International relations - Bangladesh-China Bangladesh- China relations in the context of South Asia 2003
Seminar on Bangladesh-China Relations : 40 Years of partnership. January 26, 2016 Organised by biiss ( See Seminar box 2016 / Bangladesh foreign policy box) 2016
Seminar on Bangladesh-India Cooperation in the Changing Regional and Global Context (Seminar box) BIISS International relations - Bangladesh-India Bangladesh-India Cooperation in the Changing Regional and Global Context 2019
Seminar on Bangladesh-Russia : present, past ,Future Manzur ALAMShamsur RAHMAN International relations - Bangladesh-Russia Economic relations between Russian Federation and Bangladesh: a preliminary study 2001