Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Ajoy Darshan BEHERA India - Light weapons The Domestic sources of diffusion of light weapons in India 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Salma MALIK Small arms - Light weapons Domestic production , illegal manufacture and leakages of small arms : a case study of Pakistan 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Rohan GUNARATNA Small arms Sources of arms supplies to the LTTE: success and failure of the Srilankan state in meeting the threat 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Shaukat QADIR Small arms Small arms proliferation : contrilling production and restricting flow 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Ayesha Siddiqua AGHA Light weapons Setting agenda for regional de- weaponization 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Ayesha Siddiqa AGHA Light weapons - Drugs Light weapons and drugs trade in Pakistan 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Anindita DASGUPTA Small arms Small arms proliferation in north east : a case study of Assam 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Peter BATCHELOR Small arms - Light weapons Description of the small arms survey 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Mark GAILLARD Small arms More than just removing the umbrella 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Ashok KRISHNA Small arms - Light weapons Stockpile management and security 2000
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia Shahedul Anam KHAN Small arms - Light weapons Preventing illegal flows and domestic availability of small arms and light weapons in South Asia : a Bangladesh perspective 2000
Conference on Towards Sustained Eradication of Extreme poverty in Bangladesh. April 8-9 2015. Organised by Ministry of Planning. (See poverty box) 2015
Conference on understanding and combating terrorism in South Asia Sridhar K. KHATRI Terrorism Understanding and combating terrorism in South Asia 2003
Conference on understanding and combating terrorism in South Asia S.D. MUNI Terrorism Combating terrorism in South Asia 2003
Conference on understanding and combating terrorism in South Asia Rita THAPAAva Darshan SHRESTHA Terrorism - Women & Children Impact of conflict on women and children in South Asia 2003
Conference on understanding and combating terrorism in South Asia Moonis AHMAR Terrorism Work plan : profile of terrorist groups , data base on terrorism and chronology of terrorist events 2003
Conference Proposal: Development strategies for South Asia the relevance of east asian models 0
Conference report [UNIDER box] 2008
Conference report [UNIDER box] 2008
Confidence building measures in South Asia Dipankar BANEERJEE [ed ] Confidence building Confidence building measures in South Asia 1999
Confidence Building Measures in South Asia : Practice , Problems and Prospects 0
Confidence-building Measures and International Security: the Political and Military Aspects a Soviet Approach Igor SCHERBAK Security - CBM 1991
Confidence-Building measures project [Kashmir box] 0
Confidence-Building measures project [Kashmir box] 1993
Confidence-building measures within the CSCE process: Paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the Helsinki and Stockholm regimes Victor-Yves GHEBALI Security - CBM 1989