Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Dhaka Courier [Education box] Mahfuzul H. CHOWDHURY Education - Higher The state of higher education in Bangladesh - 1 2002
Dhaka Global Dialogue 2019 (Seminar box) Dhaka global dialogue 2019 2019
Dhaka integrated flood protection FAP-8B (Flood box) 1991
Dhaka SAARC Summit 1992 1992
Dialogue and country consultation on BIMSTEC-Japan Comprehensive Economic Cooperation: Bangladesh Perspective [BIISS Seminar + Document box] Wisarn PUPPHAVESA BIMSTEC BIMSTEC Project plan 2006-07 2006
Dialogue monitor 1997
Dialogue Monitor 1996
Dialogue on South Asian Security and Sino - Bangladesh Relations Mrs. Gi YIKUN Bangladesh - Foreign policy Relations between China and Bangladesh : retrospection and prospect 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan Mahendra P LAMA BIMSTEC Technology cooperation among the BIMST-EC coountries: issues, challenges and opportunities 2002
Dialogue on Regional Security in Asia [BIISS Seminar box] Shaheen AFROZE Bangladesh - Security The current South Asian security situation : a Bangladesh perspective 2002
Dialogue on Regional security on Asia [BIISS Seminar box] Muhammad Humayun KABIR South Asia - Security The current policies of big powers on the South Asian region 2002
Dialogue on South Asian Security and Sino- Bangladesh Relations [Seminar box] A.K.M Ambassdor FAROOQ South Asia - Security China factor in the regional security in South Asia 2002
Dialogue on South Asian Security and Sino- Bangladesh Relations [Seminar box] Shaheen AFROZE International relations - Bangladesh-China Bangladesh- Chins relations : an overview 2002
Dialogue on South Asian Security and Sino- Bangladesh Relations [Seminar box] Prof. Shi MIN International relations - Bangladesh-China The Development of Chinese economy and Sino- Bangladesh relationship 2002
Dialogue on South Asian Security and Sino-Bangladesh Relations [Seminar box] Mr. Liu GE South Asia - Security The situation of South Asian security and India- Pakistan relations after 9/11 terrorist attack 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan Atiqur RAHMANNShamsur RAHMAN BIMSTEC Trade potential among BIMST-EC countries 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan M. R. A KULARATNE BIMSTEC Cooperation in fisheries among the BIMST-EC countries 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan Abdur Rob KIHAN BIMSTEC Institutional development of BIMST -EC: challenges ahead 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan Takako HIROSE BIMSTEC Economic cooperation among the BIMST -EC countries: the role of Japan 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan Siriphan JITTTPRASITHHSIRI BIMSTEC Thailand"s international cooperation in transport among the BIMST-EC countries 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan Janaka WIJAYASIN BIMSTEC Cooperation in tourrism among the BIMST-EC countries : prospects and constraints 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan U Aye KYAW BIMSTEC Energy cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries 2002
Dialogue on Sub-regional cooperation among the BIMST-EC countries and the role of Japan Abdur Rob KHAN BIMSTEC Institutional development of BIMST-EC : challenges ahead 2002
Dialouge on Peace Building in CHT (CHT Box) A.K.M Abdus SABUR CHT Peace building in the CHT: vision for sustainable peace 2000
Different dimensions of Bhutanese refugee problem Gopal POKHAREL Bhutan - Refugee Bhutanese refugee problem : its implications and lasting solutions 2007