Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
International affairs (Disarmament box) 1986
International Assistance for implementing the programme of action to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects: findings of a global survey Kerry MAZESarah PARKER Small arms - Light weapons 2006
International CHT commission : unveiling the trust. ( see CHT box) 2011
International committee of Red cross: Executive summary [Landmine box] 1996
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century Abul KALAM Chinese - Security CBMs and security in south Asia : chinese perspective 0
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century Frank de SILVA Indo-Srilanka - Security CBMs and security cooperation : Indo- Srilanka contex 0
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century Pervaiz Iqbal CHEEMA Pakistan-India - Security CBMs and security cooperatiob between pakistan India perspective 0
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century Nishchal Nath PANDY Nepal - Security CBMs and security cooperation in South Asia: Nepals security problems 0
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century Tashi CHODEN Bhutan - Security Security problems of Bhutan : confidence building measures 0
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century Amena Mohsin Civil society - Security CBMs security cooperation in south Asia : role of civil society 2001
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century Dhruba Kumar SRESHTHA Military dimensions - Security Institutionalizing CBMs and security cooperation in south Asia: Military Dimensions 0
International Conference on CBMs and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the new century [BIISS Seminar box] Reinhard BETTZUEGE Europe - Security CBMs and security cooperation in Europe : drawing on the 2001
International Conference on CBMS and Security Cooperation in South Asia : challenges in the New Century S .D. MUNI International relations - India-Pakistan CBMs and security cooperation between India and Pakistan : an Indian Perspective 2001
International Conference on CBMS and Security Cooperation in South Asia : Challenges in the New Century A.K. M Abdul SABUR International relations - India-Pakistan The role of CBMs in managing Indo-Pakistan security relations : reflections on the crucial challenges 2001
International Conference on CBMs and security Cooperation in South Asia :Challenges in the new century Mr. Karan R. SAWHNY South Asia - Security Institutionalizing CBMs and security cooperation in South Asia : military aspects 2001
International Conference on CBMs and Security Coopertion M SHAHIDUZZAMAN Bangladesh - India-Security Confidence building prospects in Indo-Bangladesh security perceptions 2000
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities of twenty First Century SAARC (SAARC box) 2012
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities of twenty First Century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARC box) Imtiaz AHMED South Asia Regionalism in South Asia : a conceptual analysis 2012
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities of twenty First Century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARC box) Bazlul H KHONDOKER South Asia - Economic growth Economic growth of South Asia : challenges and opportunities 2012
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities of twenty First Century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARC box) Bazlul H KHONDOKER SAARC Economic growth of South Asia : challenges and opportunities 2012
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities of twenty First Century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARC box) Quamrul Islam CHOWDHURY South Asia - Climate change Climate change : South Asian perspective 2012
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities of twenty First Century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARC box) Satish Govind INAMDAR South Asia - Connectivity Connectivity in South Asia - Indian perspective 2012
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities of twenty First Century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARC box) Manzurul MANNAN South Asia - Connectivity Connectivity in South Asia - perspectives of the smallest neighbours of India 2012
International Conference on Challenges and opportunities of twenty First century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARCbox) Nitya NANDA South Asia - Energy security Energy security - a cooperative approach in South Asia 2012
International Conference on Challenges and opportunities of twenty First century SAARC April 03-04-2012 (Seminar box 2012 / SAARCbox) M Ashique RAHMAN South Asia - Regional cooperation Role of Bangladesh in promoting regional cooperation in South Asia 2012