Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
The Bangladesh Development Studies A K M Atiqur RAHMANSyed Abul BASHER Bangladesh - Economic conditions Real exchange rate behaviour and exchang rate misalignments in Bangladesh 2001
The Bangladesh Development Studies Jean-Paul AZAM Bangladesh - Water The impact of floods on rural real wages in Bangladesh 1993
The Bangladesh Development Studies Naoko SHINKAI[Monzur HOSSAIN Bangladesh - IT Productivity and performance of IT sector in Bangladesh : evidence from the firm level data 2011
The Bangladesh Development Studies Ishraq AHMED Bangladesh - Foreign assistance Aid volatility and the pattern of education spending in Bangladesh 2011
The Bangladesh Development Studies BARKAT-E-KHUDA Bangladesh - Economic conditions Social safety net programmes in Bangladesh : a review 2011
The Bangladesh Development Studies S.R. OSMANIBinayak SEN Bangladesh - Economic conditions Inequality in rural Bangladesh in the 2000s : trends and causes 2011
The Bangladesh Development Studies Hassan et al. ZAMAN Bangladesh - Poverty Are Bangladesh's recent gains in poverty reduction different from the past? 2012
The Bangladesh Development Studies S M Woahid MURAD Bangladesh - International trade Bilateral export and import demand functions of Bangladesh : a cointegration approach 2012
The Bangladesh Development studies Iffath A SHARIF Bangladesh - Economic conditions Can proxy means testing improve the targeting performance of social safety nets in Bangladesh? 2012
The Bangladesh Development studies Kazi ARIF UZ ZAMANTakahiro AKITA Bangladesh - Poverty Spatial dimensions of income inequality and poverty in Bangladesh : an analysis of the 2005 and 2010 household income and expenditure survey data 2012
The Bangladesh Development studies Lansana BANGOURA Bangladesh - Poverty Microfinance as an approach to development in low income countries 2012
The Bangladesh Development studies Sirajul ISLAM International relations - Bangladesh-India Testing the existence of purchasing power parity in bilateral trade between Bangladesh and India 2013
The Bangladesh Development Studies Beata et al. UDVARI Bangladesh - Foreign assistance Challenges of missing data in analyses of aid activity : the case of US aid activity 2016
The Bangladesh Development Studies Abdur RAZZAQUE Bangladesh - RMG The small country assumption, econometric estimates and policy making : a reassessment with Bangladesh's RMG exports to the European Union 2004
The Bangladesh Development Studies Monzur HOSSAINMohammad YUNUS Bangladesh - Food security Estimates of per capita consumption of food grains in Bangladesh 2016
The Bangladesh Development Studies Mohammad Mainul HOQUEAbdur RAZZAQUE Bangladesh - Economic conditions Exchange rate pass-through in Bangladesh's export prices : an empirical investigation 2004
The Bangladesh Development Studies Shamim AHMEDMd Ezazul ISLAM Bangladesh - Economic conditions Interest rate responsiveness of investment spending in Bangladesh 2004
The Bangladesh Development Studies ATTAUR RAHMAN NGO On reaching the hardcore poor : some evidence on social exclusion in NGO programmes 2000
The Bangladesh Development Studies Muhammad Abdul LATIF Bangladesh - Economic conditions Income, consumption and poverty impact of infrastructure development 2002
The Bangladesh Development Studies S.M. Fakhrul ISLAMA.S.M. Nazrul ISLAM Bangladesh - Agriculture Factor demands in the second-generation green revolution: a bangladesh case study 2002
The Bangladesh Development Studies Mahabub HOSSAINJosephine NARCISO Food security Global rice market: trends and perspectives 2002
The Bangladesh Development Studies Naved AHMAD Bangladesh - Corruption Corruption and government regulations: an empirical analysis 2002
The Bangladesh Development Studies Mohammad Amzad HOSSAIN Bangladesh - Macroeconomics Money-income causality in Bangladesh : an error correction approach 2011
The Bangladesh Development Studies 2002
The Bangladesh Development Studies Pau; A. DOROSHQuazi SHAHABUDDINPau; A. DOROSH Bangladesh - Food security Price responsiveness of foodgrain supply in bangladesh and projections 2020 2002