Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
The Journal of Developing Areas James MORTEN Poverty - Africa The poverty of nations. The aid dilemma at the heart of Africa 1996
The Journal of Developing Areas K S R MURTHY India A regional econometric model for the state of Andhra Pradesh 1992
The Journal of Developing Areas 1999
The Journal of Developing Areas John STOECKEL Sri Lanka Gender-specific socioeconomic impacts of development programs in Sri Lanka 1988
The Journal of Developing Areas Jerry. L WEAVER Sudan Searching for survival : urban ethopian refugees in Sudan 1988
The Journal of Developing Areas William A STOEVER India - Foreign policy Foreign cola-borations policy in India 1989
The Journal of Developing Areas 1983
The Journal of Developing Areas James PLETCHER Malaysia - Economic conditions Rice and padi market managemat in West Malaysia, 1957-86 1989
The Journal of Developing Areas David M. BLAV Nicaragua Fertility, child nutrition and child mortality in Nicaragua : an economic analysis of interrelation ships 1986
The Journal of Developing Areas Amon O. OKPALA Nigeria Female employment and family size among urban Nigerian women 1989
The Journal of Developing Areas Peter HESS Developing countries The military burden and public education expenditures in contemporary developing nations : is there a trade off 1988
The Journal of Developing Areas James LOVE Developing countries Export instability and recurrent and development expenditure in a sample of developing countries 1989
The Journal of Developing Areas Norbert DANNHAESER ADB From the metropolis in to the up-country : the stockist system in India's developing mass consumar market 1987
The Journal of Developing Areas R. Peter DIWITT ADB Policy directions in international lending 1961-84 : the case of the inter American development bank 1987
The Journal of Developing Areas Marl Lau EGAN Economic development The urban rural dimension in national economic development 1986
The Journal of Developing Areas M. Shahid ALAMAzhar ROUF Developing countries Determinarity of employment expansion in the services sector : a cron-country study of LDCs 1987
The Journal of Developing Areas William C THIESENTIUSEN Environment Implications of the rural land tenure system for the environmental debate : three scenarios 1991
The Journal of Developing Areas Plath C JOEL South Africa Labour migration in Southern Africa and agricult 1987
The Journal of Developing Areas Teck-Wong SOONWilliam A. STOOVER Singapore - Trade Foreign investment and economic development in Singapore : a policy oritented approach 1996
The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Shazelina Zainul ABIDIN Iran - Nuclear issue Iran going nuclear : liberals' paranoia and realists' apprehension 2014
The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Jatswan S. SIDHU Myanmar - Politics and government Reforms in Myanmar (Burma) : by chance or design? 2014
The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Shankaran NAMBIAR ASEAN ASEAN as an economic community : the importance of institutions 2014
The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Sufian JUSOH ASEAN ASEAN investment agreements : a tool of economic diplomacy in meeting the objectives of ASEAN economic community blueprint 2014
The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Jalila Abdul JALIL Malaysia - Maritime security Sinnificance of UNCLOS : Malaysia's maritime zones, contemporary legislations and cases on dispute settlement 2014
The Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations Daryl COPELAND International relations Rethinking diplomacy : globalization, heteropolarity and the evolution imperative 2014