Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Australian International Affairs Rory MEDCALF Australia - Strategy In defence of the Indo-Pacific : Australia's new strategic map 2014
Australian International Affairs Andrew PHILIPS Middle East - ISIS The Islamic State's challenge to international order 2014
Australian International Affairs Stephen FRUHLING Australia - Defence Australian defence policy and the concept of self-reliance 2014
Australian International Affairs Luke Justin HEEMSBERGEN Palestine The power of precision air strikes and social media feeds in the 2012 Israel-Hamas conflict : targeting transparency 2014
Australian International Affairs Jonathan SCHULTZ Australia - Internationa relations Theorising Australia-Pacific island relations 2014
Australian International Affairs Andrew SELTH International relations - Myanmar-North Korea Burma and North Korea : conventional allies or nuclear partners? 2010
Australian International Affairs Stuart HARRIS Energy issue Global and reggional orders and the changing geopolitics of energy 2010
Australian International Affairs Stuart HARRIS International relations Global and reggional orders and the changing geopolitics of energy 2010
Australian Journal of International Affairs Shahar HAMEIRIJeffrey D. WILSON East Asia - Economic conditions The contested rescaling of economic governance in East Asia : a special issue 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Shaun BRESLINJeffrey D. WILSON Asia - Regionalism Towards Asian regional functional futures : bringing mitrany back in? 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Shaun BRESLINJeffrey D. WILSON Asia - Regionalism Towards Asian regional functional futures : bringing mitrany back in? 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Shahar HAMEIRILee JONES Asia - Regionalism Regulatory regionalism and anti-money-laundering in Asia 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Ali BILGIC Security Trust in world politics : converting identity into a source of security through trust-learning 2014
Australian Journal of International Affairs Ruben GONZALEZ-VICENTE China - International relations The limits to China's non-interference foreign poicy : pro-state interventionism and the rescaling of economic governance 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Andrew CARR Australia Is Australia a middle power? : a systemic impact approach 2014
Australian Journal of International Affairs Jeffrey D. WILSON Asia - Regionalism Regionalising resource security in the Asia-Pacific : the challenge of economic nationalism 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Jeffrey WilsonRory MedcalfChristian DownieBradley McConachie Security - Indo-Pacific, International relations - Australia-China, Australia - International relations, International relations - Australia-China Diversifying Australia's Indo-Pacific infrastructure diplomacy, Australia and China : understanding the reality check, Australian energy diplomacy, Australia's use of international education as public diplomacy in China : foreign policy or domestic agenda? 2019
Australian Journal of International Affairs Hyon Joo YOO International relations - America-South Korea The China factor in the US-South Korea alliance : the perceived usefulness of China in the Korean peninsula 2014
Australian Journal of International Affairs Ian HALL India - International relations Is a Modi doctrine emerging in Indian foreign policy? 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Seye et al. ABIMBOLA International relations - Africa-Australia Australian higher education scholarships as tools for international developmet and diplomacy in Africa 2016
Australian Journal of International Affairs Causten DAUGBJERGAdrian KAY WTO A trade balance : litigation and negotiation in the world trade organization's dispute settlement system 2014
Australian Journal of International Affairs Benjamin REILLY Australia - International relations Australia as a southern hemisphere soft power 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Tim AISTROPE Terrorism Social media and counterterrorism strategy 2016
Australian Journal of International Affairs Nishank MOTWANISrinjoy BOSE Afghanistan Afghanistan : spoilers in the regional security context 2015
Australian Journal of International Affairs Daniel BALDINOAndrew CARR Australia - Defence Defence diplomacy and the Australian defence froce : smokesrcreen or stratregy? 2016