Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
biiss journal M. Jashim UDDIN and Abu Salah Md. Yousuf International relations - America-India-Nuclear issue Indo-US strategic partnership : implications for South Asia 2007
biiss journal M Iqbal KARIM European market Towards a single European market : problems , prospects and implications 1989
biiss journal Abu Salah Md. Yousuf Myanmar - Politics and government Political developments in Myanmar : new constitution, international concerns and strategies of the military 2009
BIISS Journal Dilruba Yasmin CHOWDHURYAmit RanjanMohammad Morad Hossain KhanTareq Muhammad Shamsul Arefin, Ishtiaque Selim Bangladesh - Climage change, International relations - Afghanistan-India, International relations - America-India, Brexit Climate change and economic growth : evidence from Bangladesh, India in Afghanistan : challenges to active military engagements, Globalisation and its impact on Strategic Partnership : US-India and Sino-Pakistan nuclear cooperation, Brexit : analysing the new negotiation stances of Britain and the European Union 2017
biiss journal Rukhsana AHMED South Asia - Globalization Globalization-democracy nexus : empirical evidence from South Asia 2003
biiss journal M. Jashim UDDIN Conflict The role of a state as a third party in managing conflicts : a conceptual analysis 2007
biiss journal B. C. UPRETI Nepal - Election 1986 The Nepali congress and 1986 general elections 1989
biiss journal Tamanna Afreen RIMIAhmed Tariq AZIZ Bangladesh - Export growth Export-led growth (ELG) hypothesis : an empirical investigation on Bangladesh 2009
BIISS Journal Amit RANJAN International relations - Afghanistan-India India in Afghanistan : challenges to active military engagements 2017
biiss journal Nahid ISLAM U. S. A. UNCLOS III and the United States 1990
biiss journal Rukhsana AHMED South Asia - Globalization Globalization-democracy nexus : empirical evidence from South Asia 2003
biiss journal IFTEKHARUZZAMAN SAARC South Asian trade cooperation within SAARC and with ASEAN : rationale, prospects, realities 1989
BIISS Journal Mohammad Morad Hossain KHAN International relations - China-Pakistan Globalisation and its impact on strategic partnerships : US-India and Sino-Pakistan nuclear cooperation 2017
biiss journal Jona RAZZAQUE Bangladesh - Environment Legal and trade issues related to ecolabelling : Bangladesh perspectives 2003
biiss journal Mizanur RAHMAN Human rights Protection of human rights : a national or international question 1989
BIISS Journal Mohammad Morad Hossain KHAN International relations - America-India Globalisation and its impact on strategic partnerships : US-India and Sino-Pakistan nuclear cooperation 2017
biiss journal Jamal KHAN UNDP Development planning & management in the OECs countries; the experience of the UNDP 1994
biiss journal Altaf Trade International market entry : recommendations on byer seller linkage creation .... ... .... 2003
biiss journal Dietmar ROTHERMUND European community The European community and the world : projections for 1992 1989
BIISS Journal Hosna J SHEWLY Bangladesh - Human trafficking Vulnerable bodies and dark networks of trafficking : trade in humans at the Bangladesh-India border 2013
BIISS Journal Tareq Muhammad shamsul AREFINIshtiaque SELIM Brexit Brexit : analysing the new negotiation stances of Britain and the European Union 2017
biiss journal Shamsul Md. ISLAM International communication Recent trends in international communication: a third world perspective 1995
biiss journal Bhuian Md Monoar KABIR India - Democracy Explaining democratic stability in India and instability in Brazil : political economic and military determinants 2001
biiss journal M. G. KABIR Bangladesh - Security-Environment Environmental threats to the security of Bangladesh ... ... ... 1989
BIISS Journal Abu Salah Md. Yousuf and Mohammad Jasim UDDIN South Asia - Regionalism Economic integration in South Asia 2013