BIISS Journal

Title : BIISS Journal [38]
Author : M Ashique RAHMAN Sajid Karim Shanjida Shahab Uddin Samia Zaman Md. Jahan Shoieb
Type : Journal
Publisher : BIISS - 2017
  • Terrorism

  • Bangladesh - Flood

  • BRI

  • International relations - America-China

  • Migration

Month July
Year 2017
Date of Publication
Volume 38
Number 3
  • Understanding the changing nature of global terrorism : a historical persopective

  • Understanding High Disaster Risk of Flash Flood in Haor Region of Bangladesh

  • BRI and BCIM-EC Overcoming the impediments

  • China and the US in South Asia : cooperation or confrontation?

  • Restrictive Immigration Polices and Irregular Migration : security threats