Dhaka Courier

Title : Dhaka Courier [36]
Author : Courier Reporter Diplomatic correspondent Diplomatic correspondent Afsan Chowdhury Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury AKM Moinuddin & Tanzina Islam
Type : Magazine
Publisher : Editor - 2019
  • Bangladesh - Economic conditions

  • International relations - Bangladesh-India

  • Rohingya refugees

  • Kashmir

  • South Asia - Nuclear issue

  • International relations - Bangladesh-Norway

Month August
Year 2019
Date of Publication
Volume 36
Number 7
  • Hell for leather

  • Dhaka, Delhi working on formulas to share 54 common rivers' water

  • Rohingyas discouraged to return despite Bangladesh, Myanmar's readiness

  • Kashmir : elite conflict in a majoritarian state

  • Indo-Pakistan nuclear deterrence consequences of a breakdown

  • Norway to help Bangladesh combat pollution, tap marine resources : revers Bangladesh's lifeline, says Norwegian envoy Bleken (interview)