Dhaka Courier

Title : Dhaka Courier [36]
Author : Courier Reporter Hasan Ferdous Afsan Chowdhury AKM Moinuddin & Tanzina Islam Diplomatic correspondent
Type : Magazine
Publisher : Editor - 2019
  • India - Assam-NRC

  • India - Assam-NRC

  • India - Assam-NRC

  • International relations - Bangladesh-China

  • International relations - Bangladesh-Malaysia

Month September
Year 2019
Date of Publication
Volume 36
Number 9
  • Registering concern

  • Assam's citizenship registry is not just an internal matter

  • Assam : is Bangladesh ready?

  • Dhaka-Beijing ties much deeper now - Bangladesh Consul General in Kunming (interview)

  • KL eyes stronger ties with Dhaka; focus on trade, investment tourism