Pakistan Horizon

Title : Pakistan Horizon [72]
Author : Karamatullah Khan Ghori Najmuddin Shaikh, Tariq Wasim Ghazi and Masuma Hasan Khuram Iqbal Asif Ali Reumah Suhail
Type : Journal
Publisher : PIIA - 2019
  • Middle East

  • International relations - India-Pakistan

  • International relations - China-Pakistan

  • Climate change

  • International relations - Pakistan-USA

Month April
Year 2019
Date of Publication
Volume 72
Number 2
  • Endgame in the Middle East

  • Future of the current standoff between Pakistan and India

  • Understanding Pakistani public opinion on China and CPEC : a quantitative approach

  • Climate change displacement : more serious threat than climate change

  • USAID's social and economic impact in Pakistan and Afghanistan : aid withdrawal and fallout