Strategic Studies

Title : Strategic Studies [39]
Author : Muhammad Riaz Shad Masood Ur Rehman Masood Ur Rehman Khattak Ghazala Yasmin Jalil Muhammad Sajjad Malik Muhammad Abbas Hassan Aamna Rafiq
Type : Journal
Publisher : ISS - 2019
  • Pakistan - Cyber security

  • Pakistan - Security

  • China

  • International relations - India-Pakistan

  • Indian Ocean

  • Pakistan - Cyber security

Year 2019
Date of Publication
Volume 39
Number 1
Season spring
  • Cyber threat landscape and readiness challenge of Pakistan

  • Indian military modernisation : implications for Pakistan

  • China's rise : offensive or defensive realism

  • Pakistan-India relations : an analytical perspective of peace efforts

  • Growing China-India competition in Indian Ocean : implications for Pakistan

  • Challenges of securitising cyberspace in Pakistan