Combating Terrorism : evolving Asian perspective

Combating Terrorism : evolving Asian perspective
Title : Combating Terrorism : evolving Asian perspective
Author : Shruti Pandalai Shruti Pandalai Shruti Pandalai Shruti Pandalai Shruti Pandalai
Type : Book
Publisher : IDSA - 2019
  • Combating Terrorism

  • Geopolitics

  • Global war on Terror

  • Technology

  • Terrorism Industry

Call No. (AUMARK) : 303.625 (Asia - Strategy PAC)
ACCNO : 6720

Bibliography : This anthology of essays a wide range of issues ex... ...

Bibliography : This anthology of essays a wide range of issues exploring the inconsistencies in the global war on terror, and brings together diverse perspectives from eminent practitioners, academics, technologists and civil society from Asia. It takes the conversation beyond the academic realm by delving into first preson accounts from authors who are living and fighting terrorism in the heart of conflict zones in the region. The book navigates the conceptual challenges encountered during norm building efforts to counter terrorism, identifies ideologies and drivers fuelling this transnational resurgence of extremist violence, examines how technology as changing the nature of conflict and explores in depth the growing shadow of terrorism, steadily expanding from South West Asia, to the extended outposts in South Asia and South East Asia. Most importantly, it debates the absence of effective counter-narratives to counter terrorism and offers ideas to build upon a reservoir of best practices by countries in the region.