Global War on Terror : Bangladesh perspective

Global War on Terror : Bangladesh perspective
Title : Global War on Terror : Bangladesh perspective
Author : Mufleh R Osmany, Mohammad Humayun Kabir
Type : Book
Publisher : BIISS - 2007
  • Bangladesh - Terrorism

Call No. (AUMARK) : 303.62 (OSG)
ACCNO : 5585

Bibliography : This book addresses some fundamental issues and pr... ...

Bibliography : This book addresses some fundamental issues and problems relation to the U.S.-led global war on terror, offering a fresh perspective on the menace from a Muslim majority country. The focus of this volume is on explaining and assessing the nature and sources of terrorist threat in Bangladesh. The contributors raise and discuss various policy options for Bangladesh n dealing with the problems of terrorism, including forging close cooperation with the developed Western countries. This collection of papers offers some insights into Bangladesh’s fight against terrorism and presents an important contribution to the discourse in Bangladesh and beyond on terrorism, in general, and on the global war on terror, in particular. This book should figure high on the reading list of those interested in issues of terrorism in Bangladesh and in the larger context of South Asia.