Dhaka Courier

Dhaka Courier
Title : Dhaka Courier [36]
Author : Christopher Bodeen Dr. Ifthekar Ahmed Chowdhury Courier Report Dhaka Courier, Special Issue Editor
Type : Magazine
Publisher : Cosmos Books - 2019
  • International relations Australia - Bangladesh

  • Myanmar - Politics and government

  • International Relations - Bangladesh-India

  • International Relations - Bangladesh-China

  • China - Development

Month September
Year 2019
Date of Publication
Volume 36
Number 11
  • Australia to "work energetically" with Bangladesh on all fronts

  • Politics in Myanmar : what changes can elections in 2020 brings

  • Hasina-Modi summit in Delhi October 5: 18 bilateral documents on table

  • A Unique Example of friendship and loyalty

  • China and the World in the New Era