Dhaka Courier

Title : Dhaka Courier [36]
Author : Courier Reporter Shayan S. Khan Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury Md. Jashim Uddin Courier Reporter AKM Moinuddin
Type : Magazine
Publisher : Editor - 2019
  • International relations - Bangladesh-UN

  • International relations - Bangladesh-Iran

  • Hong Kong

  • International relations - Bangladesh-Malta

  • BRI

  • Rohingya refugees

Month September
Year 2019
Date of Publication
Volume 36
Number 10
  • Multilateralism and its discontents

  • Only friendship and cooperation can buy security : Javed Zarif

  • Panic in Hong Kong : China chooses to remain calm, for now!

  • Bangladesh-Malta relations : beginning of a new era

  • Bangladesh in China's BRI

  • More global focus needed on Rohingya repatriation, says Japanese export