BIISS Journal

Title : BIISS Journal [40]
Author : Aurangzeb Chowdhury Sheikh Masud Ahmed Mahfuz Kabir, Rubiat Afroze Raka Lam-ya Mostaque Shanjida Shahab Uddin
Type : Journal
Publisher : BIISS - 2019
  • Bangladesh Coast Guard - Guardian at Sea, Bangladesh Coast Guard - Specialized Maritime Skills

  • Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Terrorism - International, Radicalization

  • International Trade Relations - Bangladesh-India

  • South Asia - Energy Connectivity, South Asia - Energy Cooperation

  • China - BRI, BRI - Energy Cooperation

Month April
Year 2019
Date of Publication
Volume 40
Number 2
  • Bangladesh Coast Guard - Needs of Streamlining Overlapping Functions and Bringing Reform in Decision-Making Structure

  • Returnee Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) : evolving threats and response strategy

  • Potential of New Business Corridors Between Bangladesh and India's Northeast : Bangladesh Perspective

  • Explaining Challenges of Energy Connectivity in South Asia

  • Belt and Road Initiative and the Geopolitics of Energy