Moving for prosperity : global migration and labor markets; Policy research report

Moving for prosperity : global migration and labor markets; Policy research report
Title : Moving for prosperity : global migration and labor markets; Policy research report [1st edition]
Author : World Bank World Bank World Bank
Type : Book
Publisher : World Bank - 2018
  • Foreign workers - Labor Market

  • Emigration

  • Migration - Govt. Policy

Call No. (AUMARK) : 331.62 (BAM)
ACCNO : 6741

Bibliography : The rich have many assets; the poor have only oneâ... ...

Bibliography : The rich have many assets; the poor have only one—their labor. Because good jobs are slow to come to the poor, the poor must move to find productive employment. Migration is, therefore, the most effective way to reduce poverty and share prosperity, the twin goals of the World Bank. Not surprisingly, all development experiences and growth episodes in history have involved a reallocation of labor across space and sectors within countries.