Pakistan Horizon

Title : Pakistan Horizon [78]
Author : Rabia Akhtar Javed Jabbar Rizwana Abbasi Rizwana Abbasi Bilal Ahmad Shergojri
Type : Journal
Publisher : PIIA - 2020
  • Kashmir

  • Bangladesh - History-1971

  • South Asia - Security

  • International relations - China-USA

  • International relations - India-Pakistan

Month January
Year 2020
Date of Publication
Volume 78
Number 1
  • Kashmir : a nuclear flashpoint

  • The loss of East Pakistan : a national tragedy, an international milestone

  • Evolving security dilemma between US and China : implications for regional strategic stability on South Asia

  • Evolving security dilemma between US and China : implications for regional strategic stability on South Asia

  • Dynamics of Indo-Pakistan conflict : Kashmir or terrorism?