The Art of War in an Age of peace : U.S. grand strategy and resolute restraint

The Art of War in an Age of peace : U.S. grand strategy and resolute restraint
Title : The Art of War in an Age of peace : U.S. grand strategy and resolute restraint
Author : Michael O'Hanlon
Type : Book
Publisher : Yale university press - 2021
  • National security United States

  • Security section united states

  • International relations US

  • National security US

Call No. (AUMARK) : 355.033073 (OHA)
ACCNO : 7211

Bibliography : “A masterful examination of past American grand st... ...

Bibliography : “A masterful examination of past American grand strategy and foreign policies, a compelling, thoughtful, and thought-provoking proposal of a new grand strategy by one of America’s foremost writers and thinkers on U.S. defense, foreign policy, and geopolitics.”—General David Petraeus, U.S. Army (Ret.), former Commander of the Surge in Iraq, U.S. Central Command, and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, and former Director of the CIA “An exceptional, vividly-written guide to American strategy in the post-pandemic world, from one of America’s best national security thinkers. O’Hanlon makes a compelling case for resolute restraint at a moment when the United States is no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical block, and faces an array of new challenges.”—William Burns, former Deputy Secretary of State “O’Hanlon’s deep passion for scholarship and his desire to see America do the right thing have animated his decades in Washington. His book is a rewarding read on what the U.S. role in the world should be in these fraught times.”—Jung Pak, Brookings Institution “Many scholars write about grand strategy, but O’Hanlon’s technical, strategic, and practical skills are unique. His insights are essential for anyone trying to understand how America should navigate the daunting geopolitical environment it confronts today.”—Hal Brands, author of American Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump “For the many of us despondent about the state of international relations today, O’Hanlon offers a bracing corrective, a masterpiece that should banish any nostalgic yearning for the ‘simplicity’ of the Cold War.”—Jeffrey Feltman, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and former U.N. Under Secretary General “O’Hanlon wisely and convincingly argues that restraint is the right answer for America. Not withdrawal, not isolationism, but restraint.”—Bruce Riedel, retired CIA officer, Brookings Institution