Ashtastambha : eight pillars of hindutva for the 21st century

Ashtastambha : eight pillars of hindutva for the 21st century
Title : Ashtastambha : eight pillars of hindutva for the 21st century
Author : Ganapathy Mahalingam
Type : Book
Publisher : Author - 2018
  • Hinduism

  • Hindu Ethnics

  • Relegion India

Call No. (AUMARK) : 204.5 (MAA)
ACCNO : 7228

Bibliography : Taking a cue from the seminal work on Hindutva by... ...

Bibliography : Taking a cue from the seminal work on Hindutva by Vinayak Damodar (Veer) Savarkar, this concise book provides eight foundational pillars of Hindutva for the 21st century that rival the five pillars of Islam as a unifying belief system and enables a people to establish and preserve their legacy.The book presents a moderate, compassionate voice that focuses on the essence of being a Hindu and is divested of any notion of nation building.Now with minor editorial updates and closer conformity to the IAST transliteration scheme for the Sanskrit words.