Glimpses on Bangladesh : a country of hope, love, courage, and resilience

Title : Glimpses on Bangladesh : a country of hope, love, courage, and resilience
Author : Major General Mohammad Maksudur Rahman
Type : Book
Publisher : BIISS - 2022
  • Bangladesh Foreign policy

  • Climate change

  • International relations - Bangladesh

Call No. (AUMARK) : 327.5492 (RAG)
ACCNO : 7128

Bibliography : The Book ‘Glimpses on Bangladesh: A Country of Hop... ...

Bibliography : The Book ‘Glimpses on Bangladesh: A Country of Hope, Love, Courage, and Resilience’ published from BIISS is not in fulfillment of the requirements of academics and intellectuals, rather, carries different utility. Since the inception of BIISS in 1978, the Institute has been a common platform for professionals, experts, and academicians from across the globe. The book is an attempt of BIISS to exhibit and glorify Bangladesh to the international community. Also, at the juncture of 50 years of independence, the book is expected to be an important document for those who want to know Bangladesh’s progress as a whole from the non-academic lenses. It needs to be mention that this book is the eventual outcome of relentless efforts of the BIISS faculty members. Various images are collected through personal linkages, however, few images are taken from online sources for which proper citations are mentioned underneath each photo. The editorial team would like to express profound gratitude to those who voluntarily participate and contribute to this book by sharing photos, ideas, and other means. BIISS also acknowledges those who indirectly or directly helped to design the book at the initial stage, especially Nymphea, the publication agency. BIISS modestly recognises the contributions of external reviewers and other faculty members of BIISS who supported the authors and editorial team by providing their insightful inputs, useful advice, and appropriate feedback to develop the book chapters gradually. Their efforts, nevertheless, worked as a strength to move this publication forward.