Bangladesh and its security relationship with external powers

Bangladesh and its security relationship with external powers
Title : Bangladesh and its security relationship with external powers
Author : Anand Kumar
Type : Book
Publisher : KW Publishers - 2021
  • Bangladesh security aspects

  • Military policy - Bangladesh

  • Military relations - Bangladesh

Call No. (AUMARK) : 341.72095492 (KUB)
ACCNO : 7168

Bibliography : A state's security is heavily dependent upon its g... ...

Bibliography : A state's security is heavily dependent upon its geopolitical environment. The geopolitical setting of South Asia changed in 1971 with the birth of Bangladesh as a new, independent nation. India already faces a hostile neighbour on its western border. In the north, China is a major threat. In this geopolitical setting the kind of relationship India has developed with Bangladesh becomes important. The military coup of August 1975 in Bangladesh marked a major shift in the way the country perceived its foreign and defence policies. India, its supporter in the liberation war, was now presented as the main threat to national security. A country's defence policy and defence-related procurements depend on the threat perception of that country. Bangladesh, despite being a poor country, has tried to acquire significant defence capability mainly due to its perceived sense of insecurity and to some extent to participate in the United Nations peacekeeping operations. Some of the steps taken by Bangladesh purportedly to enhance its own security have meant that the security environment in the region has actually deteriorated. In this context Bangladesh's security relationship with other major powers has significant implications for Indian security, and the book tries to throw light on it.