BIISS Journal

Title : BIISS Journal [43]
Author : Nahian Reza Sabriet & Mohammad Jasim Uddin Yesmine Inayatullah Md. Mamunur Rashid Lam-ya Mostaque Sajib Bala
Type : Journal
Publisher : BIISS - 2022
  • Bangladesh - Covid-19, Bangladesh - Manpower

  • Environment - Refugees/migrants, Climate change

  • South Asia - Regionalism

  • India - Energy policy, South Asia - Geopolitics

  • Rohingya refugees

Month April
Year 2022
Date of Publication
Volume 43
Number 2
  • Covid-19 and Bangladesh's manpower export : pandemic induced vulnerabilities and policy options

  • Getting lost in categories : environmentally displaced people's struggle to get recognition as a refugee or migrant

  • Understanding the dynamics of political economy of South Asian regional cooperation

  • India's energy diplomacy and geopolitics in South Asia

  • Origin of Rohingya muslims in Myanmar : a historical analysis