Waiting for the people : the idea of democracy in Indian anticolonial thought

Waiting for the people : the idea of democracy in Indian anticolonial thought
Title : Waiting for the people : the idea of democracy in Indian anticolonial thought
Author : Nazmul Sultan
Type : Book
Publisher : Harvard University Press - 2024
  • Democracy - India

  • India - History

  • Indian - Political and government

  • Politics - India - 21st century

Call No. (AUMARK) : 320.454 (SUW)
ACCNO : 7293

Bibliography : An original reconstruction of how the debates over... ...

Bibliography : An original reconstruction of how the debates over peoplehood defined Indian anticolonial thought, and a bold new framework for theorizing the global career of democracy. Indians, their former British rulers asserted, were unfit to rule themselves. Behind this assertion lay a foundational claim about the absence of peoplehood in India. The purported “backwardness” of Indians as a people led to a democratic legitimation of empire, justifying self-government at home and imperial rule in the colonies.