Politics and security in South Asia

Politics and security in South Asia
Title : Politics and security in South Asia
Author : A K M Abdus SABUR
Type : Book
Publisher : BIISS - 2004
Call No. (AUMARK) : 320.954 (SAP)
ACCNO : 5051

Bibliography : This book Politics and Security in South Asia: sal... ...

Bibliography : This book Politics and Security in South Asia: salience of religion and culture deals with politics and Security in South Asia with a focus on the religious and cultural dimensions. Suggested approach has been a focus on the region a whole but individual presentations also reflected country perspective. Attempts have also been made to explore and synthesis the inter-linkage among the issues as well as the experiences at the domestic and regional levels. A host of authors from South Asia and Germany representing a variety of academic disciplines, professional background and socio-political orientation analyses religious and cultural dimensions of politics and Security in South Asia with a focus on issues, like domestic political dynamics. Politicization of religion, inter-cultural dialogue, media and security, role of civil society in security, governance and accountability and related issues. The book presents a critical account of ground reality and explores a variety of outlooks on the subject. Thoughtful and innovative ideas contained in the book may be a significant importance to the scholars, policymakers, practitioners and other concerned professionals.