Small States and Regional Stability In South Asia

Small States and Regional Stability In South Asia
Title : Small States and Regional Stability In South Asia
Author : Mohammad humayun KABIR
Type : Book
Publisher : The University Press - 2005
Call No. (AUMARK) : 341.72 (KAS)
ACCNO : 5306

Bibliography : Small States and Regional Stability in South Asia... ...

Bibliography : Small States and Regional Stability in South Asia is a study of the status and role of small states in international affairs, particularly in the region. The book highlights the constraints and potentials of small states in contribution to regional peace, security, stability and development. It presents the perspectives of the small states on the issues of nuclearisation in South Asia, globalization and economic security, the global war on terrorism, common solutions to common problems, and democracy as a conflict management mechanism. The focus of the book is on Bangladesh as a small state in terms of its geopolitical location, psychogeography and economy. The underlying theme of the book is to encourage a more active role for smaller South-Asian states in the promotion of peace in the region through non-violent alternatives.