Democracy, governance and security reforms : Bangladesh context

Democracy, governance and security reforms : Bangladesh context
Title : Democracy, governance and security reforms : Bangladesh context
Author : Mufleh R. OSMANY Shaheen Afroze
Type : Book
Publisher : Academic press and Publishers Library - 2008
Call No. (AUMARK) : 321.4095492 (OSD)
ACCNO : 5676

Bibliography : Crisis in governance resulting in political instab... ...

Bibliography : Crisis in governance resulting in political instability and possible military intervention inn state affairs impacts negatively on the maturation of democracy. Bangladesh is experiencing suspension of democracy following a serious political crisis and emergency in January 2007. Undeniably, without restoration of democratic institutions, the essence of democracy and its gradual consolidation will remain in the realm of expectations only. This book, which is a collection of papers, offers some insights into the challenges and problems of governance in Bangladesh. It addresses some key issues in the country’s governance that need priority attention and recommends steps and reforms that are required to address the same. The volume contributes to a stimulating discourse on the subject among the intellectuals and academics and is likely to be of relevance to the policy makers and practitioners.