Energy security in South Asia plus : relevance of Japanese experience

Energy security in South Asia plus : relevance of Japanese experience
Title : Energy security in South Asia plus : relevance of Japanese experience
Author : AKM Abdur RAHMAN Shaheen Afroze
Type : Book
Publisher : Pathak Shamabesh - 2016
  • Bangladesh - Energy security

  • Japan - Energy Security

Call No. (AUMARK) : 333.79 (RAE)
ACCNO : 6651

Bibliography : The rapidly growing economies of South Asia worry... ...

Bibliography : The rapidly growing economies of South Asia worry energy depletion and deficiency in coming years that would greatly hamper in present rate of progress. Th dilemma of growth versus environmental hazard further complicates the case while looking for alternative sources of energy; Lack of regional cooperation in energy sector is another factor limiting regional progress that could have been achieved through sharing of resources. Allowing this vital region to fly freely towards progress thus requires a coherent and clear strategy to address energy insecurities and look forward to energy cooperation. Buelding on this, the book which is a compendium of seven papers tries fo find out ways to make efficient use of existing resources. It addresses core issues of policy adjustments required in energy sector for South Asia puls countries sharing the experiences of Japan, an energy-deficient yet the third largest economy of the world. It also tries to make concrete recommendations for respective governments on issue pertaining to energy and looks into prospects of regional cooperation to answer the concerns.