Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Seminar on Natural Resources, National Income and Planning in Bangladesh. March 16, 2016. Organised by biiss ( See Seminar box 2016 / Bangladesh economy box) Mahfuz KABIR Bangladesh - Economy Valuation of subsoil minerals : Application of SEEA for Bangladesh 2016
Seminar on Bangladesh's relations with Latin American Countries : Unlocking potentials. March 06 , 2016 Organised by biiss. (See Seminar box 2016 / Bangladesh Foreign Policy box ) 2016
Seminar on Bangladesh-China Relations : 40 Years of partnership. January 26, 2016 Organised by biiss ( See Seminar box 2016 / Bangladesh foreign policy box) 2016
Seminar on Migration and development : Challenges and perspectives. January 21, 2016. Organised by biiss ( See Seminar box 2016 / Refugee/Migration box) 2016
Seminar on National Security and Leadership Challenge : Bangladesh perspectives. March 06 2008. Org. by BPSA &biiss ( See Seminar box 2008 / Bangladesh Security box) Zillur R KHAN Bangladesh - Security Leadership challenge for national security : Bangladesh perspective. 2008
Seminar on National Security and Leadership Challenge : Bangladesh perspectives. March 06 2008. Org. by BPSA &biiss ( See Seminar box 2008 / Bangladesh Security box) Mohd Aminul KARIM Bangladesh - Security National security : Bangladesh and global perspectives 2008
Seminar on National Security and Leadership Challenge : Bangladesh perspectives. March 06 2008. Org. by BPSA &biiss ( See Seminar box 2008 / Bangladesh Security box) Mufleh R OSMANY Bangladesh - Security National security and leadership challenge Bangladesh perspective 2008
Seminar on Maritime Security of Bangladesh. February 12, 2009. Org by biiss (See seminar box 2009 / Bangladesh security box / Maritime box) Md Khurshed ALAM Bangladesh - Security Maritime security of Bangladesh : Traditional issues impinging on maritime boundary delimitation. 2009
Seminar on Maritime Security of Bangladesh. February 12, 2009 Org by biiss ( See Seminar box 2009 / Bangladesh security box / Maritime security box ) Md Khurshed ALAM Maritime security Maritime security of Bangladesh : Traditional issues impinging on maritime boundary delimitation 2009
Seminar on Maritime Security of Bangladesh. February 12, 2009 Org by biiss ( See Seminar box 2009 / Bangladesh security box / Maritime security box ) Abul Kalam AZAD Maritime security Maritime security of Bangladesh : Facing the challenges of non-traditional threats 2009
Seminar on Maritime Security of Bangladesh. February 12, 2009 Org by biiss ( See Seminar box 2009 / Bangladesh security box / Maritime security box ) MAQBUL- E-ELAHI Maritime security Oil and Gas exploration in the offshore (part of exclusive economic zone) Bangladesh : prospects and constraints 2009
Seminar on Maritime Security of Bangladesh. February 12, 2009 Org by biiss ( See Seminar box 2009 / Bangladesh security box / Maritime security box ) Harun ur RASHID Maritime security Maritime security : diplomatic initiatives 2009
Seminar on Maritime Security of Bangladesh. February 12, 2009 Org by biiss ( See Seminar box 2009 / Bangladesh security box / Maritime security box ) Moqsumul QUAIDER Maritime security Maritime security of Bangladesh : Facing the challenges of Non-traditional threats 2009
Seminar on National Security of Bangladesh in the Information age. November 01-2000. Org by NDC & biiss . (See Seminar box 2000 / BD-Security box) Mohammad Humayun KABIRAbdur Rob KHAN Bangladesh - Security The management of national security of Bangladesh in the information age 2000
Seminar on National Security of Bangladesh in the Information age. November 01-2000. Org by NDC & biiss . (See Seminar box 2000 / BD-Security box) A I M Mustafa Reza NOORS A H M TAUHID Bangladesh - Security The geo-strategic environment of Bangladesh 2000
Strategic Survey 2016 : The Annual Review of World Affairs. 2016
Seminar Commemorating 25 March - Gonohottya Dibosh (Genocide Day)" organised by MOFA & BIISS Dhaka 2017
SIPRI Yearbook 2017 2017
Seminar on Bangladesh's graduation from LDCs : opportunities , challenges and imperatives. by H E Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, MP. March 21, 2018. Organised by biiss & MOFA. (See Seminar box 2018 / MDG box) 2018
Seminar on Bangladesh's graduation from LDCs : opportunities , challenges and imperatives. by H E Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, MP. March 21, 2018. Organised by biiss & MOFA. (See Seminar box 2018 / MDG box) 2018
Seminar the monthly symposium : Connecting the bay of Bengal . No 703 ( see Maritime box) Farooq SOBHAN Bangladesh maritime - Natural resource A Bangladesh perspective. 2018
Seminar the monthly symposium : Connecting the bay of Bengal . No 703 ( see Maritime box) Ristian Atriandi SUPRIYANTO Maritime - Security SouthEast Asia and maritime security. 2018
Seminar the monthly symposium : Connecting the bay of Bengal . No 703 ( see Maritime box) Richard VERMA Maritime - Connectivity Indo-Asia connectivity for shared prosperity. 2018
Seminar the monthly symposium : Connecting the bay of Bengal . No 703 ( see Maritime box) K YHOME Myanmar - Maritime Myanmar's response to shifting dynamics. 2018
Seminar the monthly symposium : Connecting the bay of Bengal . No 703 ( see Maritime box) S JAISHANKAR Maritime - Connnectivity In conversation ; India and Japan the road ahead 2018