Title | Author | Subject | Articles | Year | |
International Strategic Studies | Wang JUNWEI | Japan - Politics | Observations on the current development of Japan's domestic politics and diplomacy | 2010 | |
International Strategic Studies | Wang JUNWEI | Japan - Diplomacy | Observations on the current development of Japan's domestic politics and diplomacy | 2010 | |
International Strategic Studies | Dai RUOGH | Southeast Asia - regional situation | An overview of the regional situation in Southeast Asia in the first half of 2010 | 2010 | |
International Strategic Studies | Yan WENJING | Africa - Peacekeeping | Development and challenges of African independent peacekeeping operations | 2010 | |
International Strategic Studies | Ma BIAO | Environment - Climate change | Impact of climate change on China's national security and some reflections on it | 2010 | |
International Strategic Studies | Ma BIAO | China - Security | Impact of climate change on China's national security and some reflections on it | 2010 | |
International Strategic Studies | Jiang ZHENXI | Peacekeeping | A retrospect on China's participation in UN peacekeeping operations in the past 20 years | 2010 | |
International Strategic Studies | Jiang WEIQING | Security - National | Evolution of national security structure | 2010 | |
International political science review | Farida JALALZAIMona Lena KROOK | Politics - Women | Beyond Hillary and Benazir: Women's Political Leadership worldwide | 2010 | |
International political science review | Oded LOWENHEIMBrent STEELE | Violence - War | Institutions of violence, Great power authority and the war on terror | 2010 | |
International political science review | Matthew FLINDERS | Politics - International | Explaining Majoritarian modification: the political of electoral reform in the United Kingdom and British Columbia | 2010 | |
International political science review | Xiaoke ZHANG | Korea - Global force | Global forces and corporate reforms in Korea | 2010 | |
International political science review | Carl Henrik KNUTSEN | Democracy | Mesuring effects democracy | 2010 | |
International political science review | Dana Lee BAKER | International relations - USA - Canda | An Elephant's eye view of the mouse: American lmpressions of Canadian Governance | 2010 | |
International political science review | Antoine BILODEAULan MCALLISTERAntoine BILODEAU | Democracy | Adaptation to Democracy among immigrants in Australia | 2010 | |
International political science review | Mariya Y. OMELICHEVA | Terrorism - Central Asia | The Ethnic dimension of religious extremism and terrorism in Central Asia | 2010 | |
International political science review | Mathias KOENIG-ARCHIBUGIFilippo ANDRETTA | International relations - Theory | Which synthesis? strategies of theoretical integration and the Neorealist-Neoliberal debate | 2010 | |
International political science review | Jorgen MOLLERSvend-Erik SKAANING | Security - Policy - Economic - Integration | Beyond the Radial delusion: conceptualizing and measuring democracy and non-democracy | 2010 | |
International political science review | Catharina LINDSTEDTDaniel NAURIN | Corruption - Transparency | Transparency is not enough. Making transparency effective in reducing corruption | 2010 | |
International political science review | Min-hyung KIM | Integration - Europe | State preferences and institutional feedback: CAP and European integration | 2010 | |
International political science review | Rollin F. TUSALEM | Property rights | Determinants of coups d'etat events 1970-1990: the role of poverty rights protection | 2010 | |
International political science review | Willy JOU | East Asia | The Heuristic value of the left-right Schema in East Asia | 2010 | |
International peacekeeping | Sigrid Van Der AUWERA | Armed conflict | Peace operations and the protection of cultural property during and after armed conflict | 2010 | |
International peacekeeping | Laura ZANOTTI | Peacekeeping | UN Integrated peacekeeping operations and NGOs: reflections on Governmental rationalities and contestation in the age of risk | 2010 | |
International peacekeeping | Paul HIGATEMarsha HENRY | Security - Peacekeeping | Space, performance and everyday security in the peacekeeping context | 2010 |