Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Journal of International Affairs Dalbir AHLAWAT India - Strategy India's strategic perceptions : continuity and change 2013
Journal of International Affairs Tahmina RAHMAN International relations - Bangladesh-India Water diplomacy between India and Bangladesh in a globalized world : overcoming the limits of state sovereignty 2013
Journal of International Affairs Sultana YESMIN Bangladesh - Peacekeeping United Nations peacekeeping operations and Bangladesh : an overview 2013
Journal of International Affairs Sufia KHANOM Afghanistan Withdrawal of international security troops from Afghanistan in 2014 : implication 2014
Journal of International Affairs Md. Obaidul HAQUE Bangladesh - CHT Understanding reconciliation as a way of peacebuilding : the case of Chittagong hill tracts 2014
Journal of International Affairs Mohammad Atique RAHMAN LDCS Extension of trips transition period for the least developed countries (LDCS) : new opportunities new challenges 2014
Journal of International Affairs Annpruna NAUTIYAL India - Disaster management Environmental policies gaps as a threat to human security : a case of natural catastrophe in Uttarakhand Hilalays in India 2014
Journal of International Affairs Md. Jahangir ALAM Bangladesh - Governance Role of media and governance for bridging socio-political barriers : experences of Japan & Bangladesh 2014
Journal of International Affairs Papri CHAKRABORTY Bangladesh - CHT Recognition of identies : a path to reasonable reconciliation 2014
Journal of International Affairs Mohammad Jasim UDDIN Bangladesh - International relations Economic diplomacy and Bangladesh foreign policy : a discourse 2015
Journal of International Affairs M. Jashim UDDIN International relations - Bangladesh-China Prospects and challenges for Bangladesh-China comprehensive economic partnership : a Bangladesh perspective 2015
Journal of International Affairs Sultana YESMIN International relations - Bangladesh-Myanmar Bangladesh-Myanmar economic relations : searching for new opportunities 2015
Journal of International Affais Salim MAHMUD South Asia - Energy policy Challenges for cross border gas projects in South Asia : geopolitical issues 2008
Journal of International Affais Delwar HOSSAIN South Asia - Free Trade The politics of FTAs in South Asia : towards a new bilateralism or new regionalism? 2008
Journal of International Affais M. Aynul ISLAM Europe - Terrorism Terrorism in Europe : trends and counter responses after Madrid incidents 2008
Journal of International Affais Mohammad Towhidul ISLAM Intellectual property rights TRIPs agreement and human rights : preotecting public interests in developing and least developed countries at the cross-roads 2008
Journal of International Relations Sayed Imtiaz AHMED The east European story of civil society. Epilogue and prologue. 2000
Journal of International Relations Syed Imtiaz AHMED Civil society The East European story of civil society : epilogue and prologue 1999
Journal of International Relations Alfred ECKES Globalisation Globalization and the millennium : a historical perspective 1998
Journal of International Relations B. C. UPRETI International relations - India-Nepal Nepal's relations with India during the communist regime. A review 1998
Journal of International Relations Sajjad M. JASIMUDDIN WTO The world trade organization and its implications for Bangladesh 1997
Journal of International Relations Krishan GOPAL Ethnic conflict The ethnic crisis and nation-building process in SriLanka 1997
Journal of International Relations Alam M. ASLAM International relations: Japan - Soviet Japan-Soviet relations during the years of superpowers detente 1997
Journal of International Relations Golam MOSTAFA Peacekeeping The UN peacekeeping operations : challenges and options 1994
Journal of International Relations Md. NURUZZAMAN South Asia - Nuclear issue South Asia without nuclear bombs 1994