Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Journal of Peace Research Kyle A et al JOYCE Conflict management Geographic proximity and third-party joiners in militarized interstate disputes 2013
Journal of Peace Research Govinda CLAYTON Civil war Relative rebel strength and the onset and outcome of civil war mediation 2013
Journal of Peace Research Philip HULTQUIST Civil war Power parity and peace? : the role of relative power in civil war settlement 2013
Journal of Peace Research Han DORUSSENTheodora-Ismene GIZELIS Peacekeeping Into the lion's den : local responses to UN peacekeeping 2013
Journal of Peace Research Nynke SALVERDA Peacekeeping Blu helmets as targets : a quantitative analysis of rebel violence against peacekeepers, 1989-2003 2013
Journal of Peace Research Brandon J KINNE Conflict management IGO membership, network convergence, and credible signaling in militarized disputes 2013
Journal of Peace Research Brandon et al. VALERIANO Cyber security The dynamics of cyber conflict between rival antagonists, 2001-11 2014
Journal of Peace Research Emilia Justyna POWELL Border management Strategic selection : political and legal mechanisms of territorial dispute resolution 2014
Journal of Peace Research Christopher Michael SULLIVAN Insurgency The (in)effetiveness of torture for combating insurgency 2014
Journal of Peace Research J Craig et al. JENKINS Egypt - Insurgency Seebeds of insurgency : structure and dynamics in the Egyptian Islamist insurgency, 1986-99 2014
Journal of Peace Research Erik O et al. KIMBROUGH Conflict management Why can't we be friends? : entitlements and the costs of conflict 2014
Journal of Peace Research Daniel B BRAATEN U.S. - International relations Determinants of US foreign policy in multilateral development banks : the place of human rights 2014
Journal of Peace Research Colin et al. VANCE Peace Is peace a missing value or a zero? : on selection models in political science 2014
Journal of Peace Research Elena V MACLEANTaehee WHANG International relations Designing foreign policy : votes, special interest groups, and economic sanctions 2014
Journal of Peace Research Steven T LANDIS Environment - Change Temprature seasonality and violent conflict : the inconsistencies of a warming planet 2014
Journal of Peace Research Douglas M GIBLERSteven V MILLER Civil war External territorial threat, state capacity, and civil war 2014
Journal of Peace Research Mary Beth et al. ALTIER Terrorism Turning away from terrorism : lessons from psychology, sociology, and criminology 2014
Journal of Peace Research Corinne BARA Conflict management Incentives and opportunities : a complex-oriented explanation of violent ethnic conflict 2014
Journal of Peace Research Krishna Chaitanya VADLAMANNATI Peace Do IMF programs disrupt ethnic peace? : an empirical analysis, 1985-2006 2014
Journal of Peace Research Andrew BOUTTON Terrorism US foreign aid, interstate rivalry, and incentives for counterterrorism cooperation 2014
Journal of Peace Research Robert et al. JOHNS U.K. - International relations Coalitions of the willing? : international backing and British public support for military action 2014
Journal of Peace Research Lars BERGER U.S. - International relations Foreign policies or culture : what shapes Muslim public opinion on political violence against the United States? 2014
Journal of South Asian Development Sekhar BANDYOPADHYAY India - Insurgency-West Bengal The story of an aborted revolution : communist insurgency in post-independence West-Bengal, 1948-50 2008
Journal of South Asian Development M. Sajjad HASSAN India - Insurgency-Northeast The breakdown in North-East India : identity wars or crises of legitimacy? 2008
Journal of South Asian Development Masooda BANO Pakistan - NGO Contested claims : public perceptions and the decision to join NGOs in Pakistan 2008