Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Alexey D. MURAVIEW Indian Ocean Shadow of the northern giant : Russia's current and engagement with the Indian Ocean region 2011
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Tetsuo KOTANI Indian Ocean Lifeline at sea : Japan's policy toward the Indian region 2011
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Swaran SINGH Indian Ocean China's forays into the Indian Ocean : strategoc implications for India 2011
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Dennis et al RUMLEY Indian Ocean Securing the Indian Ocean? : competing regional security constructions 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region G.V.C. NAIDU Indian Ocean Prospects for IOR-ARC regionalism : an Indian perspective 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region P.V. RAO South Asia South Asia's retarded regionalism 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Shaun LINCarl GRUNDY-WARR Indian Ocean ASEAN and interconnecting regional spheres : lessons for the Indian Ocean region 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Francis A. KORNEGAY JR Indian Ocean South Africa and SADC in the Indian Ocean maritime security equation 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region A.K. PASHA Middle East The gulf cooperation council : a regional approach to peace, security and development 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Andrew C er al. WINNER Indian Ocean Maritime terrorism and piracy in the Indian Ocean region 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Awet T. WELDEMICHAEL Indian Ocean Maritime corporate terrorism and its consequences in the western Indian Ocean 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Annina Cristina BURGIN Indian Ocean Spanish maritime security governance in the Indian Ocean region 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Patricia SCHNEIDER Indian Ocean German maritime security governance : a perspective on the Indian Ocean region 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Stig Jarle HANSEN Indian Ocean Yemeni security-political dynamics and maritime security in the indian Ocean region 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Martin N. MURPHY Indian Ocean The abundant sea : prospects for maritme non-state violence in the Indian Ocean 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Sam BATEMAN Indian Ocean Maritime security and port state control in the Indian Ocean region 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Douglas GUILFOYLE Indian Ocean International law and counter-piracy in the Indian Ocean 2012
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Christian WAGNER Indian Ocean The Indian Ocean rim - association for regional co-operation (IOR-ARC) : the futile quest for regionalism? 2013
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Krishnappa VENKATSHAMY Indian Ocean The Indian Ocean region in India's strategic futures : looking out to 2030 2013
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Jonathan HOLSLAG Indian Ocean The reluctant pretender : China's evolving presence in the Indian Ocean 2013
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Isabelle SAINT-MEZARD Indian Ocean The French strategic vision of the Indian Ocean 2013
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region James ROGERS Indian Ocean European ( British and French) geostrategy in the Indo-Pacific 2013
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Toshi YOSHIHARA Indian Ocean The US Navy's Indo-Pacific challenge 2013
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Peter LEHR Indian Ocean Piracy and maritime governance in the Indian Ocean 2013
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Ross ANTHONY International relations - Africa-China Infrastructure and influence : China's presence on the coast of East Africa 2013