Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Australian Journal of International Affairs James MANICOMAndrew O' NEIL International relations - China-Japan Sino-japanese strategic relations : will rivalry lead to confrontation ? 2009
Australian Journal of International Affairs Nicole GEORGE Women Promoting women, peace and security in the Pacific Islands : hot conflict/slow violence 2014
Australian Journal of International Affairs David PALMER Refugee - Convention The quest for wriggle room : Australia and the refugees convention, 1951-73 2009
Australian Journal of International Affairs Sara E. et al. DAVIES Women Women, peace and security as an ASEAN priority 2014
Australian Journal of International Affairs Kanishka JAYASURIYA Regionalism Regulatory regionalism in the Asia-Pacific : drivers, instruments and actors 2009
Australian Journal of International Affairs Helen E.S NESADURAI Governance - Regional Economic surveillance as a new mode of regional governance : contested knowledge and the ... ... .. 2009
Australian Journal of International Affairs Tim DUNNEJess GIFKINS Libya Libya and the state of intervention 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Amin SAIKAL Egypt - Politics and government Authoritarianism, revolution and democracy : Egypt and beyond 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Matthew SUSSEX Diplomacy The impotence of being earnest? : avoiding the pitfalls of creative middle power diplomacy 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Mark BEESON Australia - International relations Can Australia save the world? : the limits and possibilities of middle power diplomacy 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Chris HAMER Nuclear issue - NPT Reinforcing the NPT 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Yong Soo PARK South Korea Revisiting the South Korean developmental state after the 1997 financial crisis 2011
Australian journal of international affairs Thomas WILKINS China - Foreign policy - Development The new 'Pacific century' and the rise of China: an international relations perspective 2010
Australian journal of international affairs Taek Goo KANG Security - Regional Assessing China's approach to regional multilateral security cooperation 2010
Australian journal of international affairs Alex J. BELLAMY Foreign policy - Australia The responsibility to protect and Australian foreign policy 2010
Australian journal of international affairs Christine LEAHRod LYON Nuclear strategy - Australia Three visions of the bomb: Australian thinking about nuclear weapons and strategy 2010
Australian journal of international affairs Paul DIBB Afghanistan - Soviet invasion The Soviet experience in Afghanistan: iessons to be learned? 2010
Australian journal of international affairs Linus HAGSTROM Security policy - Japan The Democratic party of Japan's securitiy policy and Japanese politics of constitutional revison: a cloud over article 9? 2010
Australian journal of international affairs Brendon O'CONNORSradjan VUCETIC Foreign policy - Australia - Canda Another Mars-Venus divide? why Australia said 'yes' and Canada said 'non' to involvement in the 2003 Iraq war 2010
Australian journal of international affairs David BREWSTER Indian ocean - Strategic convergence - International relations Australia and India: the Indian ocean and the limits of strategic convergence 2010
Australian Journal of International Affairs Tristram SAINSBURY Australia - Internationa relations Do we need more economics in Australian economic diplomacy? 2016
Australian journal of international affairs Gary SMITH International relations - India - Australia Australia and the rise of India 2010
Australian Journal of International Affairs Susan Harris RIMMER Australia - TTP Australia's trade diplomacy and the Trans-Pacific partnership : you've got to row your own boat 2016
Australian journal of international affairs Dan HALVORSON International politics 'Bringing international politics back in': reconceptualising state failure for the twenty-first century 2010
Australian Journal of International Affairs BENJAMIN DAY Australia - Economic assistance Australian aid after the golden consensus : from aid policy to development policy? 2016