Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Australian journal of international affairs Ian HALL India - Rising power The other exception? India as a rising power 2010
Australian Journal of International Affairs Laura ALLISONMonique TAYLOR ASEAN ASEAN's people-oriented aspirations : civil society influences on non-traditional security governance 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Vlado VIVODA China - Economy China challenges global capitalism 209
Australian Journal of International Affairs Leif-Eric EASLEY Japan - Defence How proactive? How pacifist? : charting Japan's evolving defence posture 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Halim RANE International relations - Israel-Palestine conflict Jihad, competing norms and the Israel-Palestine impasse 209
Australian Journal of International Affairs Bhubhindar SINGH International relations - China-Japan Rising Sino-Japanese competition : perspectives from South-East Asian elites 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Andrew PHILLIPS Al-Qaeda How al Qaeda lost Iraq 2009
Australian Journal of International Affairs Priya CHACKOKanishka JAYASURIYA International relations - America-Asia Trump, the authoritarian populist revolt and the future of the rules-based order in Asia 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Kirill NOURZHANOV Central Asia - Security threat Changing security threat perceptions in Central Asia 209
Australian Journal of International Affairs Jim ROLLO International relations - Australia-EU The potential for deep integration between Australia and the European Union : what do the trade statistics tell us? 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Kylie BAXTER Middle East Kuwait, political violence and the Syrian war 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Jongwoo HAN North Korea - Diplomacy North Korea's diplomacy to engage the United States 209
Australian Journal of International Affairs Pascal KERNEISJoshua PRENTICE European Union The European Union single market for professional services 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Ziya ONISMustafa KUTLAY Turkey The dynamics of emerging middle-power influence in regional and global governnance : the paradoxical case of Turkey 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Patrick A. MESSERLIN European Union The European Union single market in goods : between mutual recognition and harmonisation 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Alan TIDWELL International relations - America-Australia The role of diplomatic lobbying in shapping US foreign policy and its effects on the Australia-US relationship 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Anne MCNAUGHTON International relations - Australia-EU Integrating services markets : a comparison of European Union and Australian experiences 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Rodger SHANAHAN Palestine Hizbullah as a regional brand : not all parties are equel 2017
Australian Journal of International Affairs Lain SANDFORDMaree TANKIANG International relations - Australia-EU Resolving and defusing trade disputes : the potential for creativity in the Australia-European Union relationship 2011
Australian Journal of International Affairs Adam LOCKYER Afghanistan Evaluating civil development in counterinsurgency operations : the case for a field experiment in Afghanistan 2012
Australian Journal of International Affairs Timo NOETZELBenjamin SCHREER NATO More flexible, less coherent : NATO after Lisbon 2012
Australian Journal of International Affairs Alan DUPONTWilliam J. RECKMEYER Australia - Security Australia's national security priorities : addressing strategic risk in a globalised world 2012
Australian Journal of International Affairs James HEADLEYAndres REITZIG New Zealand - Foreign policy Does foreign policy represent the views of the public? : assessing public and elite opinion on New Zealand's foreign policy 2012
Australian Journal of International Affairs Roman DAVIDIan HOLLIDAY Myanmar International sanctions or international justice? : shaping political development in Myanmar 2012
Australian Journal of International Affairs Matt MCDONALD Australia - Iraq war How was Howard's war possible? : winning the war position over Iraq 2010