Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
Contemporary Southeast Asia Hao Duy PHAN Southeast Asia - Human rights Institution for the protection of human rights in Southeast Asia : a survey report 2009
Contemporary Southeast Asia Mark R. THOMPSON Philippines Populism and the revival of reform : competing political narratives in the Philippines 2010
Contemporary Southeast Asia Sunny TANUWIDJAIA Indonesia - Islam Political Islam and Islamic parties in Indonesia : critically assessing the evidence of Islam's political decline 2010
Contemporary Southeast Asia Richard A. BITZNGER Southeast Asia - Defence A new arms race? : explaining recent Southeast Asian military acquisitions 2010
Contemporary Southeast Asia Sinderpal SINGHSyeda Sana RAHMAN International relations - India-Singapore India-Singapore relations : constructing a new bilateral relationship 2010
Contemporary SouthEast Asia 2010
Contemporary SouthEast Asia Sam BATEMAN Maritime security Solving the wicked problems of maritime security : are regional forums up to the task 2011
Contemporary SouthEast Asia Christopher M.DENTPeter RICHTER Sub-Regional cooperation Sub-regional cooperation and developmental regionalism : the case of BIMP-EAGA 2011
Contemporary SouthEast Asia Benjamin K SOVACOOL Energy issue Meeting targets, missing people : the energy security implications ... ... ... 2011
Contemporary SouthEast Asia Jorgen ROLAND Southeast Asia - Regionalism Southeast Asian regionalism and global governance : multilateral utility or hedging utility 2011
Contemporary SouthEast Asia Edwin VAN DE HAAR International relations - Japan-philippine-Economic Philippine trade policy and the Japan-philippines economic partnership agreement 2011
Contemporary Southeast Asia Alice D. BA South China Sea Staking claims and making waves in the South China sea : how troubled are the waters? 2011
Contemporary Southeast Asia M. Taylor FRAVEL South China Sea China's strategy in the South China sea 2011
Contemporary Southeast Asia Lyle GOLDSTEIN South China Sea Chinese naval strategy in the South China sea : an abundance of noise and smoke, but little fire 2011
Contemporary Southeast Asia Carlyle A. THAYER South China Sea The tyranny of geography : Vietnamese strategies to constrain China in the South China sea 2011
Contemporary Southeast Asia Brantly WOMACK South China Sea The spratlys : from dangerous ground to apple of discord 2011
Contemporary Southeast Asia See Seng TAN Southeast Asia - Security Spectres of Leifer : insights on regional order and security for Southeast Asia today 2012
Contemporary Southeast Asia Robert AYSON Asia Choosing ahead of time? Australia, New Zealand and the US-China contest in Asia 2012
Contemporary Southeast Asia Shaun NARINE ASEAN Human rights norms and the evolution of ASEAN : moving without moving in a changing regional environment 2012
Contemporary Southeast Asia Aim SINENGErik MARTINEZ Thailand - Politics and government From the street to the ballot box : the July 2011 elections and the rise of social movements in Thailand 2012
Contemporary Southeast Asia Iis GINDARSAH Indonesia - International relations Democracy and foreign policy-making in Indonesia : a case study of the Iranian nuclear issue, 2007-08 2012
Contemporary Southeast Asia David CAPIE Asia - Diplomacy Structures, shocks and norm change : explaining the late rise of Asia's defence diplomacy 2013
Contemporary Southeast Asia Greta NABBS-KELLER Indianesia - International relations Reforming Indonesia's foreign ministry : ideas, organization and leadership 2013
Contemporary Southeast Asia Linda QUAYLE ASEAN Promoting "Diplomatic" or "Cosmopolitan" culture? : interrogating ASEAN focused communication initiatives 2013
Contemporary SouthEast Asia Kyaw Yin HLAING Myanmar - Politics and government Understanding recent political changes in Myanmar 2012