Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Title Author Subject Articles Year
BIISS Journal Mahbubur Rashid Bhuiyan, A. S. M. Tarek Hassan SemulSegufta HossainAbu Salah Md. Yousuf, Gausul AzamMd. Jahan ShoiebMd. Jahan ShoiebSyeda Tanzia Sultana, Mohammad Jasim Uddin Russia - War and warfare, Bangladesh - Urbanization-DAP, Dhaka - DAP, Myanmar - Ethnicity, Refugees, Climate change, Bangladesh - Governance The changing nature of warfare : Russian hybrid warfare in the 21st century,, Detailed area plan (DAP) and its impact for Dhaka city,, Myanmar's peace process under Suu Kyi : understanding the fault lines,, Conceptualizing environmental refugees : do they require separate attention?,, Conceptualizing environmental refugees : do they require separate attention?,, Developing country in global economic governance : lessons for Bangladesh 2018
BIISS Journal Abu Salah Md. YousufMohammad Ashque RahmanRubel MollaBenuka Ferdousi, Zazmul HaqueLam-ya Mostaque, Syeda Tanzia Sultana Terrorism, Water, China - Foreign policy, International Relations - Bangladesh-China, Catalonia - Politics and government, Bangladesh - Economic development Countering lone wolf terrorism : challenges and strategies, Comparatative Analysis of Trans-boundary Water Governance of Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) and La Plata River Basins: issues and Concers, The 'New Normal' China's Foreign Policy: Implications for Bangladesh, Catalonia Crisis : Exploring the Genesis, Nature and Motives, Exploring Soft Power Potentials of Bangladesh: Resources, Limitations and Options 2017
BIISS Journal Sajid Karim, Mahbubur Rashid BhuiyanRubel Molla, Benuka FerdousiSamia ZamanA. S. M. Tarek Hassan SemulMd Muhibbur Rahman Bangladesh - Flood, Bangladesh - Energy, Bangladesh - Anti-Money Laundering, Globalization, Right-wing Populism, Asia - Power Balancing Sustainable Food Management in Bangladesh: address the challenges,, Renewable Energy in Bangladesh : achievements, potentials and challenges,, Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Finance of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Regime in Bangladesh : an appraisal,, Countercurrent to Globalization : rise of Right-wing Populism in the global north,, Power Balancing Against the Rising Rivals in Asia : a dyadic-structural explanation 2018
BIISS Journal Moutusi Islam, Lam-ya MostaqueSheikh Masud KarimMd. Riaz Uddin, Hasan MohmudM. Jahan Shoieb Bangladesh - Blue economy, Bangladesh - Security, Bangladesh - Climate change, Bangladesh - Terrorism Blue economy and Bangladesh : lessons and policy implications, Non-traditional security threats of Bangladesh : challenges and policy options, Exploring the role of climate change as a threat multiplier : Bangladesh in perspective, Role of internet-based alternative media in global terrorism and counterterrorism 2018
BIISS Journal Nazmul Arifeen, Rubait Afroze Raka Rohingya refugees From passive aid to pragmatism : humanitarian diplomacy in Rohingya crisis 2018
BIISS Journal Chowdhury Hasan Sarwardy, Mahmud HussainAbul KalamMohammad Jasim UddinChowdhury Golam Kibria, Mahfuz Kabir, K M Zahidul IslamNarottam Gaan Bangladesh - Civil-military relations, Bangladesh - Maritime security, Bangladesh - Economic diplomacy, Bangladesh - International relations, Bangladesh - Security Civil-military relations in democracy : Bangladesh perspective, Maritime destiny of Bangladesh : entwining challenges, Economic diplomacy of Bangladesh : ODA in perspecive, Theory of Change in Development : a micro level evidence from Bangladesh, State, Identity and Security : a theoretical perspective 2016
BIISS Journal Sajid Karim, Md. Nazmul IslamMohammad Zahidul Islam KhanSultana Jareen, Roksana Islam SujanaShanjida Shahab Uddin Syria, Terrorism, Bangladesh - Climate change, Bangladesh - Transit Syrian crisis : geopolitics and implications, Philosophical dualism : towards a nuance understading of the concept of terrorism, Climate change adaptation efforts of Bangladesh : an assesment, Regional and sub-regional Connectivity Arrangements : opportunities and challenges for Bangladesh 2016
BIISS Journal Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir, Md. Zahidur RahmanBenuka FerdousiSyeda Tanzia SultanaS.M. Humayun Kabir, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee China - BRI, GCC - Labour market, Bangladesh - Labour migration, Bangladesh - Migration, Bangladesh - Development, Bangladesh - Trade China's Belt and Road Initiative and Economic Implications for Bangladesh, Localization of Jobs in the GCC Region : implications for Bangladesh, Revisiting Migration-Development Nexus: a micro-level study in Dhaka city of Bangladesh, Demystifying International Informal Trade within Formal Trade: a case study of Bangladesh 2019
BIISS Journal Aurangzeb ChowdhurySheikh Masud AhmedMahfuz Kabir, Rubiat Afroze RakaLam-ya MostaqueShanjida Shahab Uddin Bangladesh Coast Guard - Guardian at Sea, Bangladesh Coast Guard - Specialized Maritime Skills, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Terrorism - International, Radicalization, International Trade Relations - Bangladesh-India, South Asia - Energy Connectivity, South Asia - Energy Cooperation, China - BRI, BRI - Energy Cooperation Bangladesh Coast Guard - Needs of Streamlining Overlapping Functions and Bringing Reform in Decision-Making Structure, Returnee Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) : evolving threats and response strategy, Potential of New Business Corridors Between Bangladesh and India's Northeast : Bangladesh Perspective, Explaining Challenges of Energy Connectivity in South Asia, Belt and Road Initiative and the Geopolitics of Energy 2019
BIISS Journal Abu Salah Md. Yousuf, D. PurushothamanMd. Jahan Shoieb, Lam-ya MostaqueMoutusi IslamSaddam HosenA.K.M. Anisur Rahman Myanmar - Politics and government, Terrorism, Bangladesh - Maritime security, South Asia - Regionalism, Middle East Sate, nationality and political elites : the politics of nationalism in Myanmar, Changing nature and the role of actors in confronting terrorism, Maritime security challenges for Bangladesh : response options, Sub-regional cooperation in South Asia : issues, challenges and policy implications, The United States, Iran and the new conundrum in the Middle East 2019
BIISS Journal Nazmul ArifeenAurangzeb ChowhuryAyesha Binte TowhidRubel Molla Saudi Arabia - International relations, Bangladesh Coast Guard, Bangladesh - Security, Assam - Immigration and emigration Leadership succession and foreign policy change in Saudi Arabia, Riding on big waves : resources constraints, organizational challenges and Bangladesh Coast Guard, Weaponization of social media and national security, Migration into Assam : securitization and beyond 2019
BIISS Journal Abu Salah Md. YousufSyeda Tanzia Sultana, Shah Muhammad SalauddinMahfuz Kabir, S.M. Kalbin SalemaChowdhury Golam Kibria, Md Badrul Alam, Sadia Tabassum Regionalism, Bangladesh - Peacekeeping, Bangladesh - Jute export, Women Beyond state centrism : regional cooperation approaches and non-state actors, Women in United Nations peacekeeping operations : drivers and barriers for Bangladesh, An analysis of the potential of jute exports from Bangladesh, Inclusive financing and women's empowerment : an empirical evidence 2020
BIISS Journal Abu Salah Md. Yousuf, D. PurushothamanSyeda Tanzia Sultana, Mohammad Jasim UddinNahian Reza SabrietMohammad Sohrab Hossain, Rubel Molla Rohingya refugees, Myanmar - Ethnicity, Bangladesh - Blue economy, Bangladesh - Terrorism, Bangladesh - Governance Securitization and ethnic violence : military, monks and Rohingya minorities in Myanmar, Blue economy of Bangladesh, Terrorist financing in Bangladesh in the post 9/11 era : methods and responses, Governance and sustainable development in Bangladesh : implications of policies, challenges and options 2020
BIISS Journal Mahfuz Kabir & Nahian Reza SabrietAbu Salah Md. YousufMohammad Jasim Uddin & Nurunnahar KhatunMd. Jahan Shoieb International relations - Bangladesh-India, Myanmar - Politics and government, Bangladesh - Covid-19, Covid-19 Bangladesh-India cooperation in trade, investment, and connectivity : a Bangladesh perspective, Between stratocracy and moral democracy : an appraisal of Myanmar's political transition under Suu Kyi, Economic impacts of covid-19 in Bangladesh : proposing a set of policy proposals, Post covid-19 world order : are we witnessing a change in hegemonic leadership? 2020
BIISS Journal Nahian Reza SabrietAbul Hasnat Mohammad Mahmud AzamSegufta HossainMd. Mamunur Rashid International relations, Covid-19, Bangladesh army, Bangladesh - Climate change, Peacekeeping Covid-19 and the theories of international relations, Complex deterrence in the twenty-first century : Bangladesh armed forces perspectives, Global climate change : Bangladesh's leadership in the climate vulnerable forum, Challenges of peace in Mali 2020
BIISS Journal Atiur Rahman and Mahfuz Kabir South Asia - MDGs Attaining the Millennium Development Goals in South Asia 2005
BIISS Journal Segufta Hossain and Mohammad Ashique Rahman Tsunami Asian Tsunami: economic impacts and the politics of humanitarian aid 2005
BIISS Journal Sufia Khanom Water Issue, Water - Tipaimukh dam, Tipaimukh dam, Bangladesh - Environment Tipaimukh Dam: likely environmental consequences for Bangladesh 2006
BIISS Journal Sufia Khanom Bangladesh - Climate Change Climate Change - Gender Issue Gender issues in Climate Change : Bangladesh perspective 2009
BIISS Journal Sufia Khanom Japan - Disaster Management Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster in Japan: an assessment 2011
BIISS Journal Sufia Khanom SAARC Bangladesh - SAARC The 17th SAARC Summit : issues, outcome and implications for Bangladesh 2012
BIISS Journal Sufia Khanom Bangladesh - Environmentally Displaced Migrants Bangladesh - Human Security Environmentally-Displaced Migrants in Bangladesh : human security perspectives 2018
BIISS Journal Mahfuz Kabir Bangladesh - Food Security Conceptualization and Measurement of Food Security : The Context of Bangladesh 2005
BIISS Journal Mahfuz Kabir Shanghai Cooperation Organization Expansion of Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Iran’s horizons and perspectives 2006
BIISS Journal Mahfuz Kabir Bangladesh - FDI Is Foreign Direct Investment Growth-Enhancing in Bangladesh? 2007